Las emociones

Written by cmozley on . Posted in Uncategorized

We have done a great job learning how to describe our ‘emociones’ in Spanish.  Your student should be able to tell you that they are excited, tired, confused (3rd-5th) and nervous (4-5th) in addition to the ‘emociones’ they already know (feliz, bien, mal, triste, enojado). We have played charades, ‘go fish’ and ‘spoons’ and matching with the ‘emociones’ pictures and word descriptions.  Students can also say they ‘are not’ and they are ‘a little’ with their ‘emociones’.

4th and 5th graders have made ‘paquetes de vocabulario’ with pictures of the ‘vocabulario’ that they need to know! It’s a great idea to be practicing their words outside of class. Stamp sheet grades are coming soon!

Here are some examples of our ‘vocabulario de emociones’ for you to practice at home.









emocionadocansado y enojado







♦  Sra. Mozley  ♦