¿Qué tiempo hace? (3rd grade)

Written by cmozley on . Posted in Uncategorized

¿Qué tiempo hace?  That’s a question we have been asking a lot in Spanish class these days!

We have been singing about the weather, acting out the weather and rapping to the seasons and the weather. Some of us have even been practicing our weather predicting skills.  Check the ‘fun links’ tab to practice with our online videos.  Use the pictures below to practice the weather words that we know.  Show your family our motions. See if they can learn the weather in Spanish too!

esta nublado hace calor hace fresco hace frio

Está nublado                                            Hace calor                                                Hace fresco                             Hace frío

hace sol hay tormenta hay viento llueve

Hace sol                                                 Hay tormenta                                       Hay viento                                           llueve



♦ Sra. Mozley  ♦