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3rd Grade Stamp Sheets!

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Hola :)

It’s time for our 3rd graders to do Stamp Sheets again. This is a great opportunity for students to see how much they have learned this quarter.

We will start Stamp Sheets right after the Thanksgiving break.  I look forward to helping your students practice all that they have learned.

There is a new quizlet link for practicing at home… 3rd Grade Quizlet link Q2…let me know how you do on it!

I love learning Spanish with you!

♦♦Sra. Mozley♦♦

4-5th grade Stamp Sheets are coming!

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We will soon be participating in our Stamp Sheet activities.  This is our assessment time for Spanish for the 2nd quarter of the year.

4-5th graders have a copy of their stamp sheets in their Spanish binder. We have gone over each ‘stamp circle’ in class so everyone knows what they need to review.

There is a quizlet to practice all our new vocabulary too!  Try it out and let me know how you do!   Quizlet practice link!

It’s so great to be learning Spanish with you!

♦♦Sra. Mozley♦♦



¡Las clases de la escuela! (4th and 5th grades)

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¡Las clases de la escuela!       ¿Qué clases estudias?       Yo estudio…..

Our 4th and 5th grade students have been learning all about the names of their classes in Spanish. They can say their favorite class and can say what classes they study.  Next week, we will add these words to our ‘paquetes de vocabulario’ so they can practice at home.

Here is a preview of our vocabulario nuevo…

el arte el drama el espanol

el arte                                                                                         el drama                               el español

el ingles el recreo la educacion fisica

el inglés                                                        el recreo                                                                   la educación física

la historia la informatica la musica las ciencias

la historia                                                        la informática                                  la música                         las ciencias

las matematicas

las matemáticas


♦  Sra. Mozley  ♦


¿Qué tiempo hace? (3rd grade)

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¿Qué tiempo hace?  That’s a question we have been asking a lot in Spanish class these days!

We have been singing about the weather, acting out the weather and rapping to the seasons and the weather. Some of us have even been practicing our weather predicting skills.  Check the ‘fun links’ tab to practice with our online videos.  Use the pictures below to practice the weather words that we know.  Show your family our motions. See if they can learn the weather in Spanish too!

esta nublado hace calor hace fresco hace frio

Está nublado                                            Hace calor                                                Hace fresco                             Hace frío

hace sol hay tormenta hay viento llueve

Hace sol                                                 Hay tormenta                                       Hay viento                                           llueve



♦ Sra. Mozley  ♦

Los mandatos

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¡Hola estudiantes magníficos!

Can you practice your ‘mandatos’?  Practice them with your family! :)  These new commands are on our stamp sheets.  You can also practice the other commands we use in class like ¡levántense! and !miren!   Have fun ‘commanding’ your family in Spanish.



¡Den la vuelta!

den la vuelta



¡Abran!   ¡Cierren!

abran y cierren

♦ Sra. Mozley   ♦

Las emociones

Written by cmozley on . Posted in Uncategorized

We have done a great job learning how to describe our ‘emociones’ in Spanish.  Your student should be able to tell you that they are excited, tired, confused (3rd-5th) and nervous (4-5th) in addition to the ‘emociones’ they already know (feliz, bien, mal, triste, enojado). We have played charades, ‘go fish’ and ‘spoons’ and matching with the ‘emociones’ pictures and word descriptions.  Students can also say they ‘are not’ and they are ‘a little’ with their ‘emociones’.

4th and 5th graders have made ‘paquetes de vocabulario’ with pictures of the ‘vocabulario’ that they need to know! It’s a great idea to be practicing their words outside of class. Stamp sheet grades are coming soon!

Here are some examples of our ‘vocabulario de emociones’ for you to practice at home.









emocionadocansado y enojado







♦  Sra. Mozley  ♦



Who are our ‘estrellas’?

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Las estrellas are the ‘star student’ for the day in our class! The estrella will have special tasks to enjoy on their ‘estrella’ day.

Las estrellas are chosen according to attitude, willingness to try new things, enthusiasm for Spanish and participation.  Everyone will have a chance to be ‘una estrella’ throughout the year.

We’ll keep you posted on our estrellas each week!

Thanks for learning Spanish with us.

Sra. Mozley

las estrellaslos pesos